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Catch up with all the things happening with GTK through the GTK Development Blog.

What’s new in GTK, winter 2025 edition
What’s new in GTK, winter 2025 edition
We just had a GTK hackfest at FOSDEM. A good time for an update on whats new and exciting in GTK, with an eye towards 4.18. Requirements You can no longer call gdk_display_get_default() or gdk_disp... Read More
The colors of GTK
The colors of GTK
Everything is better in color. Even better if it is HDR. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of what is happening with color in GTK, without diving too deeply into the weeds of colorimetry and ... Read More
Graphics offload continued
Graphics offload continued
We first introduced support for dmabufs and  graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since we last talked about, more improvements have happened, so it is time for another updat... Read More

Issues Tracker

Contribute to GTK by solving the issues related to GTK. Get started with first issues.

Gimp rc3 master GTK3 crash
GtkPaned: resize handle inconsistencies
Cairo reference counting not behaving as expected, causing assertion failure
Broken gl rendering on mac os
[GTK3 wayland] clicking on window title bar triggers the `button-press-event` event
Gsk vulkan renderer Font rendering causing UI lockups
invalid array index use
mem leak in emoji chooser
popup_grab_on_window / wayland backend: unwanted enter/leave events

by hrdl
`gtk_drag_icon_get_for_drag` wrong return type

by VBB
activated_submenu does not get unset preventing menus from closing correctly

by hrdl
Gtk.Window should provide a mechanism for padding out WindowInsets
Incorrect height calculations with fractional scaling under vulkan renderer (violates vulkan validation layers)
GTK4 Vulkan Renderer Wayland
Wrong window focused when closing nested dialogs
GTK4 Windows

by Mat
Use the new accessible "switch" role instead of toggle button / checkbox for Gtk switches
8. Accessibility
Berkeley Mono at size 16 gets chopped off at the top