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Catch up with all the things happening with GTK through the GTK Development Blog.

What’s new in GTK, winter 2025 edition
What’s new in GTK, winter 2025 edition
We just had a GTK hackfest at FOSDEM. A good time for an update on whats new and exciting in GTK, with an eye towards 4.18. Requirements You can no longer call gdk_display_get_default() or gdk_disp... Read More
The colors of GTK
The colors of GTK
Everything is better in color. Even better if it is HDR. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of what is happening with color in GTK, without diving too deeply into the weeds of colorimetry and ... Read More
Graphics offload continued
Graphics offload continued
We first introduced support for dmabufs and  graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since we last talked about, more improvements have happened, so it is time for another updat... Read More

Issues Tracker

Contribute to GTK by solving the issues related to GTK. Get started with first issues.

When a Wacom tablet is connected, GdkSurface crashes Epiphany when changing the video autoplay combobox setting from its website permissions popover using a mouse
1. Bug 1. Crash 2. Needs Diagnosis GTK4 GtkPopover Input
Remove inheritance from GInitiallyUnowned
GtkColumnViewCellWidget can expose floating reference to callbacks early, causing it to be sunken incorrectly
Text cut off in GtkEntry
uninitialized variable being used at _gdk_win32_surface_compute_size
Wrong position for input method when line number is enabled.
GtkTextView Input
Noticeable animation lag/stutter upon driver shader cache creation
GtkTag's paragraph-background property doesn't apply to empty newlines
hdr + color management: gtkSwitch has transparent bars (black bars) at some fractional scales
`Alt + drag` gesture doesn't work with pen input
Input Windows
GtkFrame seems to ignore height in get_preferred_width_for_height
Add support for papers-previewer
Reevaluate baseline for Wayland compositors
Windows: Support all guaranteed cursor names
hdr + color management: some color matrices result in wrong color than in SDR
hdr + color management: color emoji are too bright